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Adding & Importing Catalogs To Teesom

Importing Your Own Product List Into Teesom

Preparation Steps

1.) Create a Supplier (optional)

Go to the Main Menu -> Suppliers and create the supplier that will be linked to the catalog you intend to create.

2.) Create the catalog

This is the catalog that will house all of your products.

Go to the Main Menu -> Pricing and Product Settings -> Own Catalogs and create a catalog.

3.) Prepare the data file (spreadsheet)

At minimum, the provided catalog data must meet the following requirements:

Once you have prepared the data file to match our template, save it in an easy to find place on your computer, then go ahead and import it into Teesom, as follows:

4.) Import the products list

Go to Main Menu -> Pricing & Product Settings -> Own Products and then click on the dropdown arrow next to ‘+ New Product’ to expand the dropdown and then click on ‘Import Catalog’

There you will select the catalog from the first drop down, then select the file to be imported, and then click on “Import

Teesom Catalogs

From time to time we may decide to start “officially supporting” a certain vendor’s catalog in Teesom.

When that happens, it means that we will make sure the data is always there, always up to date, and available to all our users.

However, before we can mark any vendor’s catalog data as “officially supported”, certain specific requirements will need to be met in order to ensure that we can always and consistently provide the latest up-to-date information to you:

Requirements to provide vendor catalog data to all users of Teesom:

In order to add a vendor to the list of officially supported catalogs, Teesom must first confirm the following:

  • First, we must have a reliable and consistent way of getting periodic updates to the data (such as access to a downloadable file)
  • Second, the supplied data must be in a format we can work with (CSV, spreadsheet, etc..)
  • Third, the supplied data must contain all the necessary fields and information (see the sample template downloadable below)
  • And finally, each color and size must be separated onto its own row in the data (can’t be grouped together)

Once we can confirm the above, we will happily provide the Vendor data in Teesom for all our users.

If you have any questions, are a vendor, or would like to submit some vendor data to be included in Teesom, please Contact Us

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