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How To Export Purchase Orders To Quickbooks Desktop

In this article we will go through the process of exporting purchase orders to quickbooks desktop

How To Export Purchase Orders

In the integrator click on “Export” then select “Purchase Orders

On the purchase orders screen:

  1. Filter your POs within a certain number range
  2. Extra sort options
  3. Click on “Get List” to receive a list of all your POs
  4. Click “Select” to select all your pos, or check the box next to it to select individual ones

After selecting your POs:

  1. Click on “Send To Quickbooks

If you want to mark your POs as sent without sending them click “Mark As Sent

  1. To find your POs in QB desktop:
  2. Click on “Edit” then select “Find
  3. Select “Purchase Order” from the dropdown,
  4.  Enter sort options.
  5. Click on “Find” to bring up a list of your POs

That’s it you have completed the Quickbooks Desktop tutorial! Congratulations

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