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Names And Numbers

In Teesom you are able to assign specific names and numbers to certain products on orders.

In this article we will show you how to do that

Assign Names And Numbers

On the order:

  1. Click on the three dots
  2. Select “Names and Numbers

On the “Order names and numbers” screen:

  1. Enter the name and number going on the product
  2. Select which style on the order is going to have the name and number applied
  3. Choose the color
  4. Select what size
  5. Select the vinyl color
  6. Enter the qty of products the name and number is being applied to
  7. Click “Add

You can See which order and job you will be assigning the names and numbers to.

You can also add comments to each row and toggle wether or not they are private, by default all comments are set to public which means that your customers will be able to view them.

To set the default for comments on “Names and Numbers” go to the “Company Setup” screen, and expand “Order Entry“, scroll to the bottom then toggle the option on or off.

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