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The Customer Portal

Getting Set Up

To get started with the Customer Portal the first thing you must do is go into Company Setup expand the “Customer Portal” section and fill out all the options.

Company Portal Slug

The first setting is the URL “Slug”.

This is a subdirectory that your customers will use to login to the portal. The address will always be the same for all your customers, i.e:


So, for example, if you make the slug, or custom link, “JOETEES” – then the address to your portal will be:


Turn It On

Next, toggle the “Customer Portal Active” setting to ON:

The rest are preferences that you can adjust to your liking.

Each one has its own explanation, if you need any assistance we are right there in Live Support, ready and eager to assist.

Invite a Customer to use the Portal

In Teesom, go to your Customers page via the Main Menu:

On the Customers page click the “3 Dot” menu of the relevant customer and select Edit:

Then click the “Advanced” dropdown and select “Contact Persons”:

Here you can click the “3 Dot” menu on the relevant contact and then select ‘Send Customer Portal Invite‘:

You can also click on ‘Invite New Contact‘ – which will send the user a link, via email, to setup their customer portal account. Once they follow the link and setup their account the contact details will populate in Teesom.

If you have allowed your customer to invite their own contacts, (in the Customer Portal section under Company Setup), then you can perhaps leave it to them to add or invite the staff they want to use the portal.

If they add or edit any of their users, the appropriate contact information in Teesom will be updated.

Of course you can also go ahead and send password reset links to any contacts that have been invited to the portal previously:

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