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Inventory Reports

Finding The Reports

To find your Reports go to the “Main Menu” then select ‘Reports’.

From here you will be able to access the report screens: (You may need to scroll to see them all.)

Inventory Stock Movement

On the “Inventory Stock Movement” report you can see and keep track of all your inventory/stock movements. That means it will show you a breakdown of every transaction which either increased or decreased the total quantity on hand, such as PO’s to increase quantity and Journals for when goods were issued to a job.

You can also print out the list or export it as a spreadsheet.

Inventory Stock On Hand

This report will show you what stock you have available right now.

  1. Enter Inventory Code to start the search on, alphabetical order.
  2. Enter Inventory Code to end the search on. (Leave From & To codes empty to return a full stock on hand report)
  3. Toggle this on to show all stock being tracked even those without inventory currently.
  4. Filter by warehouse.
  5. Print/export and return to top/filters options.
  6. Click submit to generate the report.
  7. At the bottom of the report will be a total stock quantity for all items combined.

Inventory Stock In Use

  1. Enter Inventory Code to start the search on, alphabetical order.
  2. Enter Inventory Code to end the search on. (Leave From & To codes empty to return a full stock In Use report)
  3. Toggled the pie chart that is displayed on or off.
  4. Select warehouse.
  5. Print/export and return to filters/top of page.
  6. Click submit to generate the report.
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