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Own Products (creating and importing)

Own Products and Custom Catalogs

1.) Create a Supplier (optional)

Suppliers are used for purchasing products, when you create a suppliers you will enter the necessary information.

Before you can use custom catalogs you will need to create a supplier for them, unless you are using customer supplied goods.

To create  a supplier, Go to the “Main Menu” -> “Suppliers

On the “Suppliers” screen click on “+ New Supplier

 On the “New Supplier” screen enter the required information.

The optional dropdown menu is for adding  extra information but is not required to create the supplier

2.) Create The Catalog

To create your own catalog, first go to the “Main Menu” -> “Pricing & Product Settings” then select “My Catalogs

Now click on “+ New Catalog

3.) Add some Own Products to the catalog

First go to the “Main Menu” click on “Product & Pricing Settings” then select “Own Products

Click on “+ New Product


Choose which catalog the product will belong to, then enter the required information and choose which category the product will fall under.


The general tab is where you will select the item tax, sales category and the supplier of the product.

Upload Image:

Here you can upload the image of the product

Click “Save” when you are done

Use your "Own Product" on an order

Now you can add the product(s) you created to an order the same way you would any other product. Simply select the catalog you linked your product to then choose that product.

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