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Custom Payment Terms and Conditions – examples

Payment Methods

You can configure multiple payment methods under “Company Setup -> Payments -> Payment Methods”.

In each payment method you can configure your own custom “Terms and Conditions” text:

Payment Terms and Conditions

Surcharge example

When there is a percentage surcharge added to the invoice, for example when adding a “Credit Card Processing Fee”, it is possible for you to indicate the fact in your Payment Terms and Conditions.

Here is an example of some html formatted text that you can edit and use:

					<div style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">
<p><strong>Customer Pricing Notice</strong></p>
A <strong>3.5%</strong> service charge applies to all sales.

Here is an example of what that would look like to your customer when they “Pay Balance” on an Invoice:

Cash Discount - example

Instead of adding a separate surcharge, you can offer a “discount” for paying in cash instead:

					<div style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">
<p><strong>Pay with Cash and Save!</strong></p>
We provide an immediate <strong>4%</strong> discount for customer paying with cash.

Here is an example of what that would look like to your customer when they “Pay Balance” on an Invoice:

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