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Artwork List

The artwork list screen is where you will manage, edit and create your imprints/artwork.

In this article we will show some of the different things you can do from the artwork list screen.

The Artwork List

To get to the ‘Artwork List’:

  • Go to the “Main Menu” and select “Artwork“:

On the artwork list screen there are various options to help you manage, edit and create your imprints:

  1. From the smart list you are able to filter your artwork between all records or previously approved records.
  2. Click on the filter icon to bring up the filter screen where you will be able to select various filter options.
  3. Enter the artwork style code to search for it directly.
  4. Click on “+ New Design” to create new artwork.
  1. Sort options for your artwork.
  2. Artwork image. (You can click on it to get an enlarged view.)
  3. The imprint type of the artwork. (Mouse hover for a tooltip message.)
  4. The Artwork ‘Status‘ displayed at the top, the ‘Status‘ of any associated order(s) shown in the middle, and the Artwork ‘Stage‘ at the bottom.
  5. Click the “Chat Bubble” icon to open any messages associated with the artwork.
  6. From the “3 Dot” menu you can edit, delete and duplicate your artwork.

Artwork List Filter Options

The Artwork List has a variety of filter options to use. Let’s briefly discuss those options and how to use them.

Click on the filter icon to bring up the ‘Filter Options’ screen:

On the Artwork ‘Filter Options’ screen you can:

  1. Select the date range you would like to search for artwork within. (The date used is the ‘Created’ date.)
  2. Toggle the ‘Show Only Deleted Records’ to on to see deleted artwork.
  3. Filter by the ‘Artwork Status‘ such as Active, Inactive and Complete.
  4. Filter by ‘Artwork Stage‘ such as New, Ready For Approval, Rejected and Approved.
  5. Show only records of selected imprint type(s).
  6. Filter by the Customer associated to the artwork.
Click apply to activate the filter and select ‘Clear’ on the filter option dropdown menu to remove active filters.

Artwork Message Board

To access the artwork message board:

  • Click on the chat bubble icon:

The artwork message board allows you to send “Private Notes” between members of your production team:

  1. The artwork’s design number.
  2. The ‘Topics’ section will display any associated orders for quick access to their message board.
  3. The artwork location on the garment/product.
  4. User who created the artwork, when it was made, and any instructions the creator set for the artist.
  5. “Private Note” is for sending messages between the production team and cannot be seen by anyone outside of it.
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