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Introduction: Customers & Contacts

In Teesom you have the ability to create and import your customers, in this article we will go over how to create a customer.

Create a Customer from The Job Board

To create a new customer from the job board click on “New Order” and select “New Customer“:

When you create a new customer, you only need to enter the basic required information – just enough to enter the order.

Later you can enter more detailed info on the Customers Page from the Customer Detail screen.

Create a Customer from the Customers Page

Go to the “Main Menu” then select “Customers

On the customer screen click on “New Customer

The Customer Prefix

Every customer will get an account number assigned automatically by the system, starting at 0001.

You can add any prefix in front of this number. We recommend using an abbreviation of the customer’s name for easy searching and sorting. For example; Evergreen, inc. would be EVG0001.

You can edit the customer’s account number and prefix from the “Customer” screen.

Click on the “Action” menu and select “Edit“:

Enter the required information then click “Save”

Adding Contacts

Click on “New Contact Person” to create a new contact for that customer. You can also invite an already existing contact for this customer. Clicking on the three dots will bring up a list of options for editing that contact:

In the next article we’ll be talking about how to create, manage and import your catalogs and product lists:

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