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Receiving Goods

How To Check Goods In

Find The Purchase Order On The Purchase Order List

Open the “Main Menu” and click ‘Purchase Orders‘:

This will open the Purchase Order List‘ where you can search for and find the relevant PO:

Find The Purchase Order On The Job Board

To find your Purchase Order click on the Goods In circle on your order on the Job Board. This will open the goods overview screen. Then click on the PO number to open it.

Receiving the Goods On The PO

On the purchase order click on the Hamburger Menu then select “Receive Goods“, this will open the Receive Goods screen.

On the ‘Receive Goods’ screen there are several things to take note of:

  1. You can edit the received date by clicking on the calendar icon.
  2. Uncheck all the goods.
  3. Click on the “Action” dropdown to refresh.
  4. You can adjust the quantity and select which items you want to check in by clicking on the dropdown arrow.

When you are done click on “Receive Goods“.

Clicking on “Receive Goods” will then create a Goods Received Voucher (GRV). You can view this by clicking the GRV number that will appear on the Receive Goods screen:

On the GRV you will be able to see:

  1. The Customers name and contact information.
  2. The Ship To address.
  3. What warehouse the goods were delivered to.
  4. Which sales representative checked the goods in.
  5. The date the goods were received.
  6. The packing slip reference. (If one was entered)
  7. The number of boxes checked in.
  8. List of goods received.
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