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How Pricing Works

This article is a quick overview of the different pricing options available and how to manage and setup your pricing in Teesom.

Methods of Pricing in Teesom

In Teesom there are 4 different kinds of pricing:

  • 1.) Products Pricing
  • 2.) Imprints Pricing
  • 3.) Additional Charges
  • 4.) Other Charges

Products Pricing

The selling price of products (“Catalog Items”) in Teesom are calculated mainly by way of markups. That is: Teesom finds, or is given, the cost of the product then applies a % markup to that cost on the order.

Markups are assigned to “Customer Groups”.

The Customer Group that you assign your customer to therefore determines what markup they qualify for.

Working with Markups

Markup Override (on the order)

So, when you create a Quote/Invoice for a customer, the first thing Teesom is going to look for is the customer group that the customer is in and then use the markup scheme that is applied to that group. You can override that by using the markup percentage on the order.

You must have a cost associated with each line item in order for it to calculate correctly.

For example, if you set up your own catalog item to sell to your customer for $10, but captured no cost for that item, when you change the markup for the order to 100%, well, 100% of 0, is zero.

Imprints Pricing

Each different type of imprint has its own pricing “template”, which uses a different pricing “matrix”. You can view, edit and create your price matrices on the Price Lists page:

For example:

  • Screenprinting is calculated based on the number of colors on the design & the number of pieces being printed.
  • Embroidery pricing is calculated based on the stitch count & the number of pieces.

Click Here to take a closer look at all the different types of Imprints Pricing available in Teesom.

Additional Charges

Additional Charges are charges which get added directly to a given imprint or design.

For example:

  • Digitizing
  • Artwork Fee
  • Screen Setup

Click Here to take a closer look at Additional Charges

Other Charges

“Other” charges are any extra fees that need to be charged on the order, which are not directly tied to the product or any specific imprint.

For example:

  • Shipping & Packing
  • Hang tagging
  • Discounts

Click Here to take a closer look at Other Charges

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