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Company Setup: Lists

In this article we will give you an overview of the different sections in the Lists tab on the Company Setup screen.

The Lists Tab

From the MAIN MENU, click on “Company Settings“:

Then click on “Lists”:


These are the Customer’s Payment Terms that will be set when creating a customer. These terms will default on orders in Teesom based on the Customer. You can create, edit and delete terms on this page: (Any terms in use, on an order, cannot be deleted.)

Click “New Term” to create a new Term for a customer. Terms can be set to require a deposit percentage, to be due by number of days from invoice, or for a specific day of the month:

For QuickBooks Users, it is important that your Terms in Teesom match up with your Terms in QuickBooks.

Sales Tax *

Here you can add, change and manage your Sales Tax Codes/Rates:

Click “New Tax Rate“:

Here you enter the Code, Description and Rate. Then save to create a Single Tax Code:

To create a new “Combined Tax”, click on “New Tax Rate”:

  1. Check the box to enable this as a Combined Tax.
  2. Enter a code and description. (The rate will be calculated by combining the Single Tax rates added to the Combined Tax.)
  3. Select the first single tax code from the dropdown.
  4. Then click the green + to add it to the Combined Tax rate.
  5. Repeat until all the relevant single tax codes have been added, then save.

Item Tax

Any item or service sold in Teesom is either ‘Taxable’ or ‘NON-taxable’:

Sales Category

Every product or service that is sold through Teesom will be assigned to a “Sales Category” which will assist with sales reporting later, and also when exporting to QuickBooks.

Teesom has already supplied several common Sales Categories for our industry.

Feel free to create more Sales Categories and edit or delete the existing ones that are not needed.

These Sales Categories will eventually link up to “Products and Services” in QuickBooks Online, or “Item Codes” in QuickBooks Desktop.

The most important thing, is that if the Sales Category exists in Teesom, and you are going to be using that sales category, it must exist in QuickBooks. If you are not going to use that Sales Category, then delete it, so you do not have to “marry it up” to anything in QuickBooks.

Quote Stages

Quote Stages are very useful, for communicating where any given order is, in the Sales cycle.

Certain actions that you perform on an order can automatically “trigger” Teesom to change the Stage that a pending quote is in.

Work Order Stages

These options will help to communicate the progress of a given WIP (“Work In Progress”) Invoice.

Certain actions that you perform on an order can “trigger” Teesom to set the order to a certain stage.

Markup Tables *

We have included a few sample markup tables that you can utilize to get started. These tables can be modified to match your current markup system:

Click “New Table” and enter a description for this markup table:

  1. Enter a minimum quantity. (The first row must always start at 0.)
  2. Enter a markup value.
  3. Click Add row. (You can add multiple rows for different quantity breaks. We’ll explain this more next.)

You can create multiple markup tables that each serve a different purpose. For example: you can create different markup tables that will each be applicable to goods within a certain COST bracket (you can give more expensive items a lower markup).

Each markup table can be further broken down by Quantity.

The markup tables you create will then be assigned to different Customer Groups, so Teesom will select which markup to use on an order based on the Customer Group that customer is in.

There are 2 types of markup tables that you can create:

1.) Flat Markup: This is where you would just markup an item 100%, regardless of the cost.

  • Cost $2 x 100% markup.

2.) Markup by Cost of Item: This is where you would create multiple tables based on cost ranges and apply a flat markup to it.

  • Cost Range 1,  $0 – $5 x 100% markup.
  • Cost Range 2,  $5.01 – $12 x 90% markup.
  • Cost Range 3,  $12.01 – $18 x 80% markup.
  • Cost Range 4,  $18.01 or higher x 70% markup.

You can also add quantity breaks to both of these options:

1.) Flat Markup:

  • Cost $2, 0 – 12 pieces x 100% markup.
  • Cost $2, 13 – 24 pieces x 90% markup.
  • Cost $2, 25-48 pieces x 80% markup.
  • Cost $2, 49 or more pieces x 70% markup.

2.) Markup by cost of item:

  • Cost Range 1, $0 – $5, 0 – 12 pieces x 100% markup.
  • Cost Range 1, $0 – $5, 13 -24 pieces x 90% markup.
  • Cost Range 1, $0 – $5, 25 -48 pieces x 80% markup.
  • Cost Range 1, $0 – $5, 49 or more pieces x 70% markup.

Customer Groups *

The group your customer is in will determine what Markup they qualify for. If the customer is not assigned to any group, they will be given the “Default” markup. (Click on “Markup” next to “Company Default” to set this):

You may create as many Customer Groups as you like, and assign a specific set of markups to be used with each group. For Example:

You might have 3 markup tables each of which is applicable to goods of a different cost bracket (e.g. one markup for goods below $2 and another for goods that cost between $2 and $5 and a third table for goods that cost more than $5). Then you can list those three tables in the customer group: “Bronze”.

Now, any customer that is assigned to that group will get those markups when doing an order for them.

Customer Industries

Here you can add a new industry or edit/delete the existing options to reflect how you wish to categorize your customers by their industry.

Click on the pencil icon to edit the description of the industry:

Imprint locations

A predefined list of imprint locations that you can select from when adding an imprint or design to an order. Add/Edit/Delete the imprint locations to suit your needs:

How it looks when creating an Imprint/Artwork/Design:

Ship Methods

A predefined list of available ship methods that you can select from while working with an order:

Lost Quote Reasons

Here you can create and edit a list of options to reflect the reason why a Quote was “Lost”:

Order Extra Reasons

Here you can create or edit a list of options to reflect the reason why “Extra Goods” were needed on an order:

Vinyl colors

Here you can set color presets for your vinyl orders

Art Stages

These are used to help keep track of the progress of Artwork on an order.

Certain actions that you take on an order can “trigger” Teesom to move a design to a certain stage.

For more information about this process, click here

Marketing Effort

Here you can maintain a list options that reflect how you advertise your business – which can be helpful for tracking how your customers found out about you, and which marketing methods are the most effective:

Supplier Groups

A simple mechanism for grouping suppliers with similar options, such as those that offer free shipping vs those that don’t.

Supplier Categories

A simple mechanism for categorizing suppliers based on the types of products and/or services they offer.

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